Design Meets Evolutionary Ecology
by Susanne Wieland, Maike Gebker, Michelle Bastian, and Larissa Pschetz
In this blog, we reflect on a practice-based research project that investigated how evolutionary ecology could motivate new design agendas and, conversely, how design explorations could motivate new scientific questions. The project focused particularly on phenology, the study of life-cycle timing in plants, animals, and other living beings; and on issues raised by phenological data, including effects of climate change on rhythms, evolution, and the interconnectedness of multiple species. Through the development of practice-based and digitally supported design concepts that combined disparate datasets, we drew attention to the lack of data on the interaction of specific species, highlighting opportunities for further scientific research. Using a speculative approach, e.g. an artificial hedge that bridges temporalities of ecological remediation, we identified the potential for research to consider the structural needs of different species. Through these examples we reflect on the role of practice-based approaches in expanding scientific discussions through design approaches and how practice-based design methods can be enriched through scientific research.
Design has often been referred to as a “glue” that can bind disciplines together (Kelley, D., & VanPatter 2005), or as a medium to make complex issues more accessible (Ozkaramanli et al, 2022). In this paper we present a project that departs from a UK based interdisciplinary research project about ‘rethinking design approaches in light of evolutionary ecology research and methods’ in cooperation with the UK Woodland Trust and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. The research team included three designers, Maike Gebker, Susanne Wieland and Larissa Pschetz; a philosopher, Michelle Bastian; and a group of around 10 evolutionary ecology researchers led by Albert Phillimore. The aim of the three-month research collaboration was to explore the potential for evolutionary ecology to inspire new design agendas and, conversely, how design explorations could motivate new scientific questions.
As detailed below, through the development of design concepts that combined disparate phenological datasets, we identified, for instance, the lack of data on the interaction of specific species, drawing attention to opportunities for further scientific research. By developing a speculative concept of an artificial hedge that bridges temporalities of ecological remediation, we identified the potential for scientific research to consider the structural needs of different species.
Through these examples, and as the main question in our project, we reflect on the role of practice-based approaches in expanding scientific and public discussions around climate change temporalities through data contextualisation and how these exploratory data visualisations can, in turn, support practice-based research of phenology.
With the focus of exploring new avenues for understanding climate change and ecological temporalities, we connected methods of creative biology (Pschetz, Ramirez-Figueroa, and Revans 2022) and temporal design (Pschetz & Bastian 2018), with work in the environmental humanities (Bastian & Hawitt 2022) to explore data sets and practices from evolutionary ecology, concerning the scientific study of life-cycle timing in non-human living species. Phenology is recognised as offering a clear way of monitoring the effects of climate change on ecosystems (Menzel 2002, 381). Long-term datasets, particularly, have shown that many species are shifting their timing due to warming (Miller-Rushing & Primack 2008), with worries of possible mismatches regarding food sources or other key factors (Burgess et al. 2018). While interdisciplinary collaborations with geology have raised awareness of the long-term impacts of industrialisation and globalisation, phenology has the potential to direct attention to the shift and adaptation of ecosystems in a changing climate.
Susanne and Maike drew on their practical skill set in environmental design and were supported by Larissa and Michelle to identify openings for designers to engage with phenology, beyond supporting citizen science apps [1] – a tool to collect data of e.g. species nesting behaviour by volunteers – gamification methods [2] and volunteering rewilding programs [3]. With a mutual interest in designing with data (Speed and Oberlander 2016) the first steps focused on visualising phenology data provided by the project partners, ie. Albert Phillimore’s Phenoweb research group [4] and the UK Woodland Trust’s Natures Calendar project [5]. Focusing on the topic of temporal mismatches, Susanne and Maike explored whether increasing changes in the ways species synchronise their rhythms due to warming climate conditions would be revealed.
Visualisation of environmental interactions: establishing connections
Our first step in this project was to attempt to visualise the complexity of connections in an ecosystem, based on different phenological datasets. For instance, we brought together data from the mentioned project partners, on how forests are affected by rising temperatures, how these changes affect the variation of insect populations, and how such variations in turn have knock-on effects on the ecology and evolution of species that depend on them for survival, like birds. In this way phenology opens up case studies for designers to visualise complex datasets for contextual understanding.
Ecosystems depend on the often delicate balance of behaviours across a multitude of species. However, looking at papers, numbers and data created by different scientific research efforts, we identified a challenge in establishing these connections, as species tend to be studied in isolation or in relation to one other species. It is indeed rare to see scientific visualisations that reflect the complexity of phenomena in an ecosystem. Our aim was therefore to combine multiple research studies to provide an overview of what is known.
As a result, we created a prototype map [6] of interactions between different species of habitats (Figure 1) and herbivore pollinators (caterpillars and butterflies) and birds. The expectation of the team aimed to use the visualisation to indicate how changes in the population of one species could affect others and the ecosystem more broadly. For instance, raising the population of caterpillars could translate into a healthy population of local birds while reducing foliage of some plants and increasing chances of pollination of others. Mapped across time, it could lead to understanding how the anticipation of foliage of a plant species, e.g. due to warmer conditions, could impact the population of other herbivore species.
The result of our research showed however, mapping these interactions was just a starting point to consider such (a)synchronies as it also demonstrated a lack of data on the interaction of specific species, drawing attention to opportunities for further research. Although the visualisation was initially targeted to a wide public it was quickly recognised as a useful tool for scientists themselves.
Environmental intervention: expanding connections
Adopting a more speculative approach, we explored how data could be translated into an intervention that would have a positive impact on an ecosystem. On the one hand, we were aware of design initiatives that aimed to support development of different species, such as the implementation of artificial reefs by marine conservationists to restore natural ones (Tarazi et al. 2019). On the other hand, and focusing again on the triad of plants-herbivores-birds, we were conscious of the impact of agricultural mechanisation on the number of hedgerows in the UK, which worked as a refuge for native species and a bridge across wild habitats. We therefore conceptualised a structure that would be developed based on the data available on species requiring refuge in hedges. The structure would be used to remediate areas impacted by the removal of hedgerows, serving as a quick-response, temporary structure implemented while a newly planted hedgerow becomes established.
The concept was presented to evolutionary ecologists, leading to discussions on which data and materials would be appropriate for the system. Although many questioned the impact of more-than-human governance by a digitally-mediated (Turnbull et al. 2023) ‘artificial‘ hedgerow, they also appreciated the simplicity of its implementation, seeing it as a ‘fence‘ that would include natural features (structural and spatial) that responded to the needs of endangered species and agriculture requirements for farmers. This way, we created Fendge (Figure 3) combining the words fence and hedge.
The structure of Fendge would be defined based on the species data living in hedgerows, previously collected via long term monitoring. It would consist of 3D printed decomposable material serving as ideal shelter and passageway for selected species. Its size and shape is individually generated based on regional needs and conditions such as occurrence of species, weather patterns and natural light availability.
Both the visualisation and Fendge were inspired and are based on phenological data. They show the potential for design to raise new scientific questions and motivate alternative avenues of inquiry. In the first case, highlighting a particular species would demonstrate relationships that were potentially explored by ecologists but many others that were likely to be out of the scope of their research. In the second case, the idea of creating a structure that would accommodate the light needs of different species (e.g. with dark areas for hedgehogs and brighter ones for birds) led to consideration of new investigation and potential creation of new datasets.
As a result of this project, for scientific research, the implementation of design interventions includes a mirrored perspective of species into the research itself and therefore creates a discussion within attached scientific or practice-based disciplines. For design, the project showed that long term scientific research findings can represent species demands, which needs to be implemented in societal practices (e.g. agriculture) as a key stakeholder.
- Bastian, M., & Bayliss Hawitt, R. (2023). Multi-species, ecological and climate change temporalities. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 6(2): 1074-1097.
- Burgess, Malcolm D., Ken W. Smith, et al. (2018). “Tritrophic phenological match–mismatch in space and time.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 2(6):970-975.
- Kelley, D., & VanPatter, G. K. (2005). Design as glue. NextD Journal, 7.
- Menzel, A. (2002). “Phenology: Its Importance to the Global Change Community.” Climatic Change 54 (4):379-385.
- Miller-Rushing, A. J. and Primack, R. B. (2008). “Global Warming and Flowering Times in Thoreau’s Concord: A Community Perspective.” Ecology 89(2): 332-341.
- Ozkaramanli, D., Zaga, C., Cila, N., et al. (2022). Design Methods and Transdisciplinary Practices.
- Pschetz, L., and Bastian, M. (2018). “Temporal Design: Rethinking time in design.” Design Studies 56:169-184.
- Pschetz, L., Ramirez-Figueroa, C., and Revans, J. (2022). Learning from creative biology. in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., et al. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain.
- Speed, C., & Oberlander, J. (2016). Designing from, with and by Data: Introducing the ablative framework. In Proceedings of the International Design Research Society Conference.
- Tarazi, E., Parnas, H., Lotan, et al. (2019). Nature-Centered Design: How design can support science to explore ways to restore coral reefs, The Design Journal, 22(1):1619-1628,
- Turnbull, J., Searle, A., Hartman Davies, O., et al. (2023). “Digital ecologies: Materialities, encounters, governance.” Progress in Environmental Geography, 2(1-2): 3-32.
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